Annotated Bibliography

Linda Vo
Karen Morris
English 1102-XX
13 April 2011
Annotated Bibliography
"What Is Breast Cancer?" Everyday Health. American Cancer Society, Inc., 12 Nov. 2010. Web. 4 Feb. 2011.
The American Cancer Society is a health organization to help with cancer because cancer is very dangerous, and the elimination process for cancer can be very time consuming. They try to save lives and help those who are in need because of cancer. The Cancer Society was founded in 1913 by 15 physicians under their first name known as the American Society for the Control of Cancer (ASCC). The American Cancer Society explains in this article of what breast cancer is. They give very thorough information of how breast cancer starts. It might just be an article, but this article has been very helpful towards women and young girls around the world, and how the article is written by using categories for the topics so that the information will not clash. This gives it a more unique attempt to put in writing because the information is more organized for the reader and as well as the writer. They also give statistics so that the information is clearer for the reader. This article gave me great information on Breast Cancer because it really explains in great detail of what Breast Cancer is. The American Cancer Society does a great job with the work, but they do not give a precise time of how the cancer can spread. There is not really a time limit for the cancer to spread, but they do include precise measurements in the article. Compared to related articles for Breast Cancer, then this article would be one of the top choices to use since more information is included.
"New Information About Using MRI Scans To Screen For Breast Cancer." Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, 26 Mar. 2007. Web. 18 Feb. 2011.
The Seattle Cancer Alliance is led by Dr. Constance Lehman who has been doing research about MRI, and what it does to the body. It can find the cancer on the opposite side of the already diagnosed cancer, so the MRI is doing both work for finding out where the cancer is and what stage the cancer is in. She states that once doing an MRI, it will be more beneficial than sticking to a mammogram alone. MRI’s might be more costly compared to mammography, but one’s life is not to be measured in the amount of money. She also gives percentages in the article, therefore, making it more plausible.  However, the article is very short. More information could be added, but Dr. Lehman is still trying to do more work on the research. This article is very handy towards new information based on breast cancer, but it is very vague because there is not a lot of information on the article. The American Cancer Society does a great job for database because they specialize in cancer rather than only one place like Seattle Cancer Alliance.
"Key Information About Breast Cancer Risk and Development Is Found in 'junk' DNA." Science Daily. Science Daily LLC, 16 Dec. 2010. Web. 27 Mar. 2011.
The Virginia Bioinformatics Institute at Virginia Tech and their colleagues have written this article with great research because it emphasizes the junk DNA having a match for breast cancer risk. Junk DNA is basically an ugly DNA in your genetic makeup. The gene will make your blood cell bad to the fact where cancer will develop. Their team and many other teams across the United States have gone through as many as five hundred patients to just test their sample for this research to come true or not. Their work contains many test experiments which are included in the article also. The teams also states that it is just beginning in junk DNA and more could come about it. This article is one of the best articles to read about because so much information is included into it. There are statistics and experimental data that are included into this article.
"What Are the Stages of Breast Cancer?" WebMD. WebMD, LLC, 20 June 2009. Web. 27 Mar. 2011.    
There was no specific author for this article, only a web database created for health journals. This article is written in organizational form. The article states the stages of cancer in an orderly fashion and gives only a little bit of information towards the data. This article also only gives a length of how big the cancer is in the breast. There is no timeline noted for when the stages of cancer can occur. The article is very short, and more thought process needs to be developed into the article. However, correct information was added, more information could have been attached. The first bibliography did a better job because more information was added. This article only gave out a couple of sentences while the first article wrote out more description than this one.
"Breast Cancer." Tirgan. Web. 9 Feb. 2011.
There is no specific author for this title, but this article was created by journal databases. It is only a brief synopsis about breast cancer and a history of it. The article is organized by the listings of information included by categories such as risk factors. Everything about the article is about breast cancer and statistical numbers to show evidence of how breast cancer has affected everyday women in the United States. Routine mammograms are highly suggested, but they can also give off cancer just like other radioactive materials. The article only gives off a brief set of information, and does not go in full detail in the information. Compared to the two annotated bibliographies listed above, this article one of the better choices to use for the background knowledge but the first one is still great to use because of the listings of cancer in stages in correct form.
Gutierrez, David. "Vitamin D Levels Found to Be Extremely Low in Women with Breast Cancer." Natural News. Natural News Network. 29 Dec. 2010. Web. 14 Jan. 2011.
David Gutirrez writes about health issues that involves with Americans today. He is a staff writer at He wrote this article about how women lack Vitamin D in their body and need to boost their intake as much as possible. He states that the lack of sun is the most concern, but Vitamin D in pill form is available. It just all depends on women if they want to protect themselves from breast cancer. The darkest skinned women are the most to worry about because the sun is harder to get through their skin because of their dark pigmentation. Gutirrez uses his information very wisely, but somehow more information should be included. The article is very short, but it does give a good chunk of information needed for the readers. Gutirrez writes good articles for natural news because natural news is a good database to gather health information. The reason why it is a good database is because natural news specializes in great health artifacts. These artifacts are taken into great consideration and natural news is basically a compile of writer’s journaling about health.