
Extra, Extra! Read All About It!

Magazine Reflection: 
When the teacher told us that we had to work with other students, I was nervous. I work at my own pace, and I do not like to wait on others. They might slow me down, and they also might not even do the work. I do not want to be the one that does all the work in the group because that is usually how it is when we work in a group. I kind of dreaded in working with other people because someone’s ideas are either not going to be heard or no one speaks up. We might be all grown up in college, but some mind sets are very premature. However, working with a group will speed up the process and shorten the work which is a plus. My mindset did change however. This group did their work in a great manner and finished it on time. We all agreed on most things which made the magazine article process faster.
As a class, the magazine was more creatable because people in the class knew each other’s faces, and we have been working with each other from the start of the semester. Since knowing a little bit of each other, we are more comfortable than working with all the classes. This will make the magazine simpler, but with added work. If we did all the work with all the classes, then more time would be needed. With a hybrid class like this, and only meeting once a week, there would be no chance in completing this magazine without rushing and being mad all the time. Everyone might want to look after themselves or they just do not want to work. The whole class grade will be affected, instead of the people who did not do work. A lot of emailing towards one another had to exist because meeting in class would not be enough. A great amount of compromise would have to be achieved with everyone and small details would have to be told to everyone. This would just make a nuisance to everyone.  
The class worked in class, exchanged emails, exchanged phone numbers, and some met outside of class to finish the work. Most used an online magazine so everyone in the group could just edit the articles themselves in order for everyone to do work. Everybody compromised with each other, and there were not any arguments on how to do the magazine. One girl in class tried speaking out in class on what online magazine website to use, but I was wondering how it would be done. I thought using Microsoft Publisher would be easier, but that would involve more work to be done. More work would be emailing each other back and forth and time would just be waisted.
The time given to create the magazine was enough time because we have known about this magazine since the beginning of the semester; it is not like it is a new task that was given out. However, when crunch time hits, a lot of students will do their work and submit it the last hour. Possibly, the deadline could have been extended until April 30 because the work could have been done better. Friday’s are usually due dates for tasks, but recently, Wednesday has been the preference of things being due.
Having five percent as a grade is alright. The other things being graded weighs out also. Maybe ten percent and decreasing portfolio grades down also can help our grade a little bit.
I think my group did well on participation because we all worked together and agreed on certain things that needed to be talked about. There was not a group member that did not say anything of how they felt. Everyone said how they felt and agreed on a lot of things.