Discussion Questions

Hi, my name is Linda Vo and I just switched into the class.

In ten years, I would like to see myself as a Registered Nurse with a happy marriage. I want to see myself making a healthcare purpose towards people who want to seek help the most.

Something interesting about myself is I am a very unique individual that smiles a lot. It took me a while to be aware of my own valued personality because I am one of a kind. On the outside, I might look like a normal person, but my mind speaks more.

An important issue facing America right now is the Presidency campaign. Obama seems to either be a horrible president or a very great one. If I were into politics like most individuals, then maybe I could say an opinion or two.

I would write about the chaos of my life right now. I have somehow taken 17 hours this semester and I might have many panic attacks for this reason. Highschool is definitely not like college at all. Everything has changed, and I still have to find more of myself than I did last semester.

This is the best video to ever watch! (For DQ1)

     This commercial is targeting to young girls in order for their self-esteem would have a boost. Gender does not matter nor having a disability. From the start of this video, Pantene took no recognition that it was their commercial, this commercial could have been a commercial about bullying or about music, but Pantene then pops out at the end to show that their product is used and can be used by everyone.
     You do not have to be rich or poor to use Pantene. This product is affordable regardless because Pantene wants a strong boost of confidence, which the little girl proved in the video. She did not have to have an education higher than anyone because she was taught more valued things. The other girl looked as though she had all the money in the world, but at the end of the show, everyone clapped for the deaf girl.
“What is wrong with me?” is a key phrase that kids today still use because they think that they are different. They want to be the same because something is wrong with them. This commercial boosts everybody’s confidence to accept themselves as who they are, rich or not, wealthy or not, pretty or not.
     The primary image or a primary image signifying confidence was when the old man on the street was beaten and her violin was broken. She had so much anger that she fixed her violin and played in front of hundreds of people to show that she can play, even if she is deaf. She wanted to prove to the world and to that awful girl that she is better and different that anyone else.
Shared value that Pantene presents in this commercial is confidence. Accept who you are regardless and show the world something unique that makes a difference. Nothing could stop that girl regardless because in the end, she sure showed her attributes well.
     An emotional sell would greatly suffice as an argument for the commercial because there were a lot of emotions portrayed into this video. The girl made the audience give her great sympathy because it was a lot more understandable as a commercial than any other ones. Pantene is known to produce a lot of different variety of products for hair in all shapes and sizes. They make products for colored hair, or thick hair, or even the thinnest hair. However, no matter what type of product it is, they are still known to make your hair shine all the time. That is how the commercial ended, the girl shined her way great with the music.

Set aside Colbert’s humor in delivering his message, he explains features that are most important to what is happening currently. He states that problems are caused by other problems, but that is because we cause more problems and blow them out to proportions. Given as an example, Wake County, North Carolina is issuing ideas of segregation because parents still have the mindset that everyone should be separate. Somehow, being equal is not something to think about for the children. He uses the separation of classes to correspond with segregation of races in his argument also. The more diverse a school is, the poorer that school becomes and most schools do not want to become poor and lose their accreditation. Who is to blame? Mostly Colbert is pointing out that the government is having their hands into the problem which is creating more problems. Government has overstepped many boundaries of what they are supposed to do, and as of right now, government is going to run everything versus the people.

This video opens up a lot of eyes because of how we have accustomed ourselves to needs and wants every day. We complain on the things that we want all the time, when third world countries have needs to tend to also. Their wants doesn’t appear because they cannot afford to. For example, when Valdosta’s water treatment went down, the whole city went into a frantic because water was dirty and had to be shut down. Third world countries don’t even have plumbing or electricity or clean water to drink from. They use rain water or water fall water or well water to drink from. It would be difficult to live in these kinds of conditions because I am so use to living a luxurious life of eating roman noodles sometimes. I call that luxury because at least it is a decent meal compared to rice and black beans all day, every day. Living with a dollar a day is very tough, but if those guys can do it, then surely I think I can. I might last only a week, but I would like to try to do what those guys did on the video. I value the things I have more than ever. I might be broke because I am in college, but being broke in America is different than being broke in another country. I am a migrant of Vietnam. My parents make me treat money like it’s something to cherish, not something to give away so easily. Maybe America should really treat money like it is suppose to. Not with materialistic things, but with things that really matter.

I use to be a poetic person and understood poetry by heart; however, it was very difficult for me to grasp the feeling of reading Maya Angelou’s poem. Her poems are very in depth and it is very strong as a poetic sense of view. She writes about the life she had, which was very hard. She struggled throughout many things, but it still did not bring her down. The name of the title of the poem even speaks for itself because she still rises from hard obstacles in life. Anyone who has faced hardship should read this poem. For anyone who thinks that they should give up on things, should read this poem. The current state of culture in America is falling down as we speak. However, America overcomes its downfalls all the time. No matter how much we struggle, there will always be a way because like Maya Angelou expresses in her poem, we must rise. In the past, America has passed many obstacles and it is still rising to the above again, like always. She opens many opportunities for people in America because it gives Americans an idea that rising above things is greater than letting it happen. If it does happen, then they or we try to continue fighting for what is right or just doing it for us. Her poem should make everyone not give up and continue to do what is right.

“More Time Please” portrays a woman with Stage 4 breast cancer. Her name is Michele Hyra who is 35 with a husband and two children. She explains the devastating story of how she counteracted with her cancer, and how she had to wait 2 weeks until a mammogram was done on her breast. No one gave up their spot for an appointment for their mammogram so she had to wait with Stage 4 of cancer. She had only 11 months to live, and she knew she was going to die. It was malpractice that started the whole chaos, but she doesn’t have time to sue. She wanted to spend the rest of her remaining time with her family. The cancer was too late to stop because it had gone into her organs and bones. There was nothing that any professional doctors could do. However, it has been more than 11 months, and she is still alive.

My opinion about robots are still the same, nothing has changed about them. Humans will not accept them in their society because robots seem to be a threat to them. Robots can have human ideals in its feature, but it will never be flesh and blood like a human being is created. I mean the ideas for the robot technology makes sense, but it will not be enough evidence to prove how wrong a robot can be. Robots can malfunction just like an ordinary machine. Like the movie I Robot, the robots malfunctioned and everybody was fighting for their lives because robots had taken over. I feel overwhelmed in having the thought that a robot may be placed in each household. Technology has increasingly developed, but people around the world might not be willing to change, nor will I think I can. There is hope for new technology but will hope be destroyed because of a mere malfunction? I don’t think that there should be so much hope put into this because of the risks that are made.

The article “Fake Girlfriends Lead to Real Girlfriends” is the most retarded website ever created. If a “real” man wants to have relations with a woman, then he’ll just meet her or talk to her himself. There is no need to be creating a fake girlfriend to just get attention. It is not that serious about having a date on a Friday night, so why is it that serious to create a false Facebook page of a fake girlfriend. What if the fake girlfriend did work and a random girl was interested in the guy? This means that that the guy would ultimately be lying all around to the random girl. The principle of this argument is that this fake girlfriend stuff is lying and deceptive. Nothing does worse than having a relationship that is based on a lie. How is the guy going to gain confidence in a woman when he’s having a robot to talk to? That is just so creepy.